Our Offer To You

Dear Friend,

As you already know, Surgeons of Hope has a crucial mission, saving the lives of babies and children affected with heart disease. Uniquely, Surgeons of Hope also has a sustainable long term model that enables local communities to, over time, have self-sustaining pediatric cardiac programs with limited to no further involvement from Surgeons of Hope. This model scales and can be implemented worldwide to ensure high quality care for the next generations. Because what matters isn’t what we bring, it’s what we leave behind.

A member of our Board of Directors, Michael Katz has offered to personally match every dollar (up to $10,000) that is contributed to Surgeons of Hope from now until December 31, 2017. Michael is not only an active member of the Board, but has a unique connection to the organization. His daughter, Alexandra, was diagnosed with a congenital heart defect. Through his personal experience Michael realized how millions of families across the world are not as lucky to have access to pediatric cardiac care. As a result, he and his wife were drawn to the mission of the Surgeons of Hope Foundation.

With your help, we can continue to develop this model and provide care throughout the world. So please click here to make your tax-deductible donation to Surgeons of Hope. Give before December 31, and Mr. Katz will personally match your gift, up to $10,000 and double the impact of your support!


Charles-Edouard Catherine
Executive Director
Surgeons of Hope Foundation

Your support means everything to us

Please visit our website at surgeonsofhope.org
Donate to our cause at surgeonsofhope.org/donate