Nahiara Pavón is a 6-year-old girl, from a city called Mariano Roque Alonso, located near the capital of Paraguay. There she lives with her family. She currently attends pre-school virtually due to her health condition and her favorite hobby is playing tea and cooking with her 4-year-old sister.
She has had her cardiological check-ups at our Pediatric Hospital Niños de Acosta Ñu, in the Department of Pediatric Cardiology for several years. Her diagnosis was restrictive cardiomyopathy in dilated phase. She took several medications for the symptoms of heart failure, which gradually increased. Her mother says that Nahiara deteriorated over the months. She felt more and more tired, she could no longer play with her sister, she ate little, she lost weight. On July 6, the need to connect her to the artificial heart Berlin Heart was seen while waiting for a heart transplant. Luckily the wait did not last long. On July 10, a compatible donor appeared. The transplant surgery was performed successfully, without complications. Currently Nahiara is in very good condition, eager to return to her home to play with her sister.
There are still many children in our country waiting to be transplanted. We constantly carry out awareness campaigns on organ donation, something that is still difficult in our country, but we fight to achieve more cases with good results like Nahiara.